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"Cotyledonary Placenta
An Easy To Understand Explanation"

2009 Boer Male
Used for 2010 and 2011 Boer Kid Crops
He is pictured here at two years in his "working clothes" during the 2011 breeding season.
As you can see, he is a large, beefy, leggy and correct male.
Pictured here in 2009 as a newborn with his dam, PearlBright.
PearlBright is PearlGirl's daughter.
CPR Pearl Girl of Lucky Hit
Pearl Girl is pictured here about a month prior to kidding.
Her udder picture was taken the day prior to birthing.
CPR Pearl Girl was purchased from the breeder,
Comanche Peak Ranch owned by Matt Lucas
of Austin, Texas.
CPR Pearl Girl is an example of the type of Boer females we breed for at
Lucky Hit Ranch - feminine yet large boned, excellent and productive udders, and
well balanced with a great deal of capacity.

Special high quality Boer Goats we own
and breed include:
- BLH Barbara of Lucky Hit Ranch
- Boer Doe born April 11, 2001
bred by Barbara L. Horn
The Taylor and Horn Goat Company, Georgetown, TX
Sire: KSR L108 "MR. BIG" - Sire's Sire: JLF JORDAAN
- Red of Lucky Hit Ranch
- bred by Margaret Beck, Killeen Tx
- Crown C SaL Judy,
- bred by Dolores Crow, Blanco, Tx
- Gute of Lucky Hit Ranch
- bred by Jess and Vera Wilmont, Kerrville, Tx
XS362 is our original Boer herd sire
He is pictured below at one year.
XS362 was purchased from the breeder,
Shurley XS Ranch owned by M.D. Shurley
(SA Stud Flock 1003) in Sonora, Texas.
XS362's Sire is the famous Yaba-Daba-Do.
Yaba-Daba-Do was sired by Tabu and his
Dam is the outstanding female, 2 Sis Tamu.
XS362's Dam is SX104/1003, an amazing doe sired
by the wonderful North American Grand Champion, Krugerand.
BLH P39 - Lucky Hit Ranch's Boer Sire throug 2009
Pictured below at ONLY six months of age
Sire: BBI L40 WHY-2K - Sire's Sire: SA STUDDED "DAWIE"
Dam: BLH M1 (Granddaughter of XS 162 "Scatman")
BLH P39 was bred by Barbara Horn, The Taylor and Horn Goat Company,
480 County Road 251, Georgetown, TX 78628-6641
Contact Barbara by e-mail at:
BLH P39 - Everything a BOER Male should
Can you believe he's ONLY SIX MONTHS OLD HERE!!!
BLH P39 - Superior Conformation and Beauty PLUS a MEAT PRODUCER!!!
Show Quality Nubian Milk Goats
Raised at and Owned by Lucky Hit Ranch.
*B EX-L-5 Strawberry's Cat Man - Lucky Hit Ranch's Nubian Herd Sire
Cat Man is pictured below at nine months.
*B EX-L-5 Strawberry's Cat Man was sired by the
outstanding AI *B Buck, 4-Ever-R's Smooth Cat *B.
4-Ever'R's Smooth Cat *B is the Son of the
(GCH) Kismet Marvins Smooth Operator (A son of GCH Hallcienda Frosty
Marvin ++*B and GCH Kismet Hero's Nutmeg 2*M) and 4 Ever R's
Tinker Toi 3*M.
EX-L-5 Strawberry's Cat Man's Dam is GRAND CHAMPION (GCH) EX-L-5 Super
Strawberry *M bred, owned, and shown by Dolores Baccus.
Grand Champion EX-L-5 Super Strawberry is the daughter of
CHAMPION OK Corral Miss Super Sensation
and the wonderful AI
*B Buck 4-Ever-R's Blaisenay.
This beautiful doe kid, Lucky Hit Brighton Bellelle, was sired by *B EX-L-5
Strawberry's Cat Man. Bellelle is now grown and had twins (one billy, one nanny)
February 18, 2003.
Her very special billy kid is for sale and available for
Pedigree for *B EX-L-5 Strawberry's Cat Man
Nubian Herdsire
GSire: ++*B AI Buck GRAND CHAMPION (GCH) Kismet Marvins Smooth Operator N0711303
| GGSire: ++*B GCH Hallcienda Frosty Marvin
Sire: ++*B GCH Hallcienda Antony
Dam: Hallcienda Noel
GGDam: 2*M GCH Kismet Hero's Nutmeg
Sire: ++B Amberwood Viking's Hero
Dam: *M Calliope Val's Valley Girl
Sire: *B Buck, 4-Ever-R's Smooth Cat N0974758
GDam: 3*M 4 Ever R's Tinker Toi N0829401
| GGSire: +B H. Homestead Cat Ballyst
Sire: ++*B GCH H. Homestead Catalyst
Dam: 8*M H. Homestead Natural Balance
GGDam: 2*M 4 Ever R's Cuddle Bugs Ebony
Sire: ++*B GCH H. Homestead Catalyst
Dam: 1*M 4 Ever R's CF Fantashia
*B EX-L-5 Strawberry's Cat Man
N1175489 November 9, 1999
GSire: AI *B Buck 4-Ever-R's Blaisenay N0897349
| GGSire: ++*B C/F Blaise
Sire: +*B Nestucca Justin Morgan
Dam: 2*M GCH Fez Desert Blazenay
GGDam: 5*M 4-Ever-R's Red Sundae Vanna
Sire: ++*B Gowdyville's Sundae Advantage
Dam: 4*M Shadow Creek Christmas Babe
Dam: 1*M GRAND CHAMPION (GCH) EX-L-5 Super Strawberry N0926922
GDam: CHAMPION OK Corral Miss Super Sensation N0789486
| GGSire: +B GCH Margie's Superman
Sire: ++*B Warpaint Acres Super Buck
Dam: Morejoy Guadalupe
GGDam: 4*M GCH OK Corral Super Miss America
Sire: +*B Nestucca Justin Morgan
Dam: 3*M GCH Little O Acres Rhapsody
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